01/ 11 March 2020
Frazer Solar Announces
Eswatini Project
Frazer Solar Group (FSG) in collaboration with the Government of Eswatini today announced the launch of the Eswatini Solar-Storage Project, a large-scale IPP project to provide electricity to the SADC grid.
02/ 14 August 2020
FSG's Project Included in Covid Recovery Plan
The Prime Minister of Eswatini, the Rt Hon Ambrose Dlamini today launched the government's Covid-19 Economic Recovery Plan. Included in the plan is Frazer Solar's Eswatini Solar-Storage Project.
03/ 7 October 2020
FSG Announces Covid Clinics Donation
Frazer Solar announced today it will install solar water Hot Water Stations on every single government medical clinic in Eswatini, free of charge, to help the country combat Covid-19.
04/ 24 March 2021
FSG Completes Covid Clinics Donation
In less than 6 months Frazer Solar has finished installing Hot Water Stations on all Eswatini government medical clinics. A handover ceremony was held today at Lobamba clinic attended by local and international dignitaries.
05/ 1 May 2021
FSG Granted SEZ Status
Frazer Solar has been granted a Special Economic Zone licence for its Eswatini project site at Edwaleni. This is a key milestone that provides financial incentives and legal protections. This is the first SEZ licence issued to a private developer in the Kingdom.
06/ 8 October 2021
FSG Signs Contract
Frazer Solar has today signed the contract with the Eswatini government to undertake the large scale solar-storage project at Edwaleni. This contract guarantees the ability for the company to operate the Eswatini project for the entire 40 year project term. It is a major milestone and the culmination of 2.5 years work.